
Birth Control Options - Hormonal methods of contraception

There are two main types of hormonal contraceptive which can be used by teens: the contraceptive pill, and the injectable hormonal contraceptive. If used properly, both are extremely effective in providing protection against pregnancy – but they provide no protection at all against sexually transmitted diseases. For very good protection against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, a hormonal method should be used at the same time as the male condom.


In some countries, contraceptive patches (that stick to the skin) and rings (that go inside the vagina) are also available.

The contraceptive pill (sometimes known as the birth control pill)

What does ‘going on the pill’ mean?
People often talk about being ‘on the pill’. This means they are using the oral contraceptive pill as a method of contraception. This has nothing to do with oral sex, and just means that the contraceptive is in pill form which is taken orally (swallowed).

How does it work?
The pill contains chemicals called hormones. One type of pill called ‘the combined pill’ has two hormones called Oestrogen and Progestogen. The combined pill stops the release of an egg every month – but doesn’t stop periods.

The other type of pill only has Progestogen in it. It works by altering the mucous lining of the vagina to make it thicker. The sperm cannot then get through, and as the sperm can’t meet the egg, the girl can’t get pregnant.

What do you do?
Usually a girl has to take one pill every day for about three weeks. She then takes a break for seven days while she has her period, before starting the cycle again (or instead, she may take ‘sugar’ pills for those seven days, i.e. pills that don’t actually have any affect, but which are taken purely so she keeps in the routine) for seven days.

It’s very important not to forget to take these pills. If this happens, protection against pregnancy is lost. The Progestogen-only pill also has to be taken at the same time every day.

How effective is the pill?
It’s a very effective method of contraception if it is taken correctly. If the pill is taken exactly according to the instructions, the chance of pregnancy occurring is practically nil. But if a girl forgets a pill, or is very unwell, its effectiveness is reduced. Another disadvantage of the pill is that it does not provide any protection against STDs. For very good protection against both pregnancy and STDs, the birth control pill should be used at the same time as the male condom.

Injectable Hormonal Contraceptive

How do you use it? How does it work?

The most popular form of this type of contraception, Depo-Provera, involves the girl having an injection once every twelve weeks. The injection is of the hormone Progestogen. The injection works in the same way in the body as the Progestogen only pill, but has the advantage that you do not have to remember to take a pill every day. It does however have the same disadvantage as the hormonal pill, in that it provides no protection against STDs.

The Contraceptive Implant

What is it?

The ‘implant’ is a newer form of contraceptive, which has become available in some countries, such as the UK. It is a small tube, a little over an inch long, which is inserted under the skin on the inside of a girl’s arm.

How does it work?

The implant works in a similar way to the contraceptive pill, but instead of taking a pill every day, hormones are steadily released into a girl’s body from the device. This is seen as an advantage, particularly for girls who have trouble remembering or don’t like having to take a pill every day. However, the implant can cause unwanted side effects, and like the other hormonal contraceptives, the implant does not protect against STDs.

The morning after pill

If a girl has had unprotected sex, but doesn’t want to have a baby, one option is ‘the morning after pill’ – an emergency contraceptive that can prevent pregnancy, when taken after sex. The name is actually a little bit misleading, as it doesn’t necessarily have to be taken ‘the morning after’ – it can work up to 72 hours after you’ve had sex. However, it’s most effective when taken within 24 hours of sex, and the sooner you take it, the better. In a lot of countries you can get the morning after pill for free, as a prescription from your doctor or healthcare provider. In some – including the U.S. and the U.K – you can also buy it over the counter at pharmacies.

Although the morning after pill can be an effective way to avoid pregnancy if you have had unprotected sex, you shouldn’t rely on it, or use it regularly. It’s not as effective as other methods of contraception, and can have side effects. What’s more, it won’t protect you from HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.

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